Archive for the ‘PetScan’ Tag

Keeping at it still

Well, it seems like the good times come and the good times go.  Most of the time I stare at the walls and wonder when I’ll have the strength to move around more.   So far Cathey’s hypnosis has worked best of all to stem the pain, although I only use that occasionally.  Cathey only charges $75 a hour for her work which is more than fair.  I’ll add in her website reference next time I get on.  Yeah, I said that last time, but hey I’m pooped 85% of the time.

New Doctor

Well, at last I sign up with Dr. Issah Eziah’s (sp?) office in Sebastapol.  I ask them if they have anything that they might offer me as treatment and they suggested Vitamin C and K infusions.  This is pretty stock treatment and has some good figures behind it, however it costs $250 a treatment and they want me to have two treatments per week, on an ongoing basis too.  No wonder people don’t follow alternative treatments, thats $26,000 a year!  Yikes.

Dr. Slavin

I asked them about Dr. Slavin and whether they had heard of him.  Not only had they heard of him, but were already prepping various of their patients for treatment by the doctor.   All I have to do it to get a current petscan so that he knows my condition (which hopefully is not too bulky for him to work with.)  We will go from there.  I live in hope.

A Little More Hope

Well, yesterday was pretty much both up and down. I started off the day early by heaving the bad food I had consumed (a combination of teriyaki and ice cream), out of my system.  This went on for a while. Eventually I got some rest around 3 or so, got up at 6 to do the show at KGGV, took some anti-nausea drug – under the tongue – and walked to the station. After a few minutes in the studio I started to get nauseous again and heaved three times into the bushes outside of the studio. It was a toss up whether to stay and do the show or go home and go to bed. I chose to stay, I figured I was going to go for chemo a couple of hours later so I wouldn’t get too much extra rest, anyway I might as well enjoy myself while I can.

At The Clinic

I drove to the clinic, feeling shivery and cold and told them I didn’t feel so well. Of course, they take my vitals which were wonderful – my blood pressure, temperature etc. not a problem, it doesn’t look outwardly that I am sick. But, the Nurse Practitioner got the results of the blood pull they take every time I’m at the clinic and she told me that I must be fighting something off, because my white blood cell count was very high. This is an unusual sign in my situation and a very promising one. The Nurse Practitioner suggested too that it was time I got further checked to see how my body is, she told me that my blood count figures (all of them) were wonderful. Ct scans are being ordered as they thought that it was too soon after the last PetScan to order another one (that it would take weeks to get approved) so it looks like I have a couple of ct scans in my future, but I’m excited, I think that the work my medicine man has done on me has made such a difference that I will be able to see it on the scan. Anyway the best part at the time was that I was ‘excused’ from doing chemo that day (yeah!!), but thinking back of course the best part is that my body is acting like a healthy body!!

Back To My Medicine Man

I need to touch bases with my medicine man, I’ll call him in the next few days for another follow up. I worry that his dad may have died as he was close before, however I’m looking forward to telling him that my blood work looks so good.

Still Not Gone

Awaiting my next PetScan, set for the 24th.  I occasionally still have a bloated stomach, on Friday I went to see my GP doctor about my personal problems and she suggested maybe cystitus, which made sense, and she prescribed me antibiotics.  I think I may have mixed my supplements and antibiotics because on Saturday night I was throwing up six times between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m.  I’m hoping its because of the antibiotics anyway. 

Still No Word From Dr. Slavin

But that might be because I mentioned I was going to get a PetScan soon and would send it to him when I had it done.  He probably is waiting to do that, plus dealing with building his own hospital, guess that would make anyone busy.

Off to See Some Art

Went off to the local theatre yesterday, its all volunteer, and had a great time.  There were eight plays and all of them were humerous, succesfully so in most cases.  I laughed a lot and after the shows there was a reception for the playwrights so I got to eat a lot of good food and share some great company, you can’t beat that.  Robert from the radio station went with me and we might  go to the John Mayall show on the 24th in Santa Rosa, if we can get on the guest list, it shouldn’t be too difficult for Robert as he wrote a review of Mayall that helped promote the show, but I am holding my breath as to whether I can get in as his plus one.  Lets see how my karma works out.

More Radio

Got a call from Phil of KOWS, another local volunteer radio station around here, I had expressed interest in a show and he called me up.  We decided on Tuesday from 1-3 as my show time, so there we are . . . the 22nd, tomorrow, will be my first show and I’m looking forward to it!